I can not tell you exactly how it all started, but still is it that I began seriously studying Islam since last December. Thank you to my boss that allows me surf the web when there are no customers (yes here, no pretense of cleaning up to do to pretend that we work ...), I typed the trucks on the basics of reading and as the heated debate provoked by this religion. With recent events in Tunisia, the timing seemed perfect to deepen my knowledge on the subject. You probably know better than me, Islam is complex. It upsets our culture and in many cases, it generates terror. So I have no pretensions about my ability to make anything much significant in the debate, I repeat: the study of religion as Islam is not an easy task. Especially with the web, it is extremely difficult to verify the validity of the sources of the information provided, and information, there are simply too!
So I ask you, who believe in such chaos informative? The problem is that every piece of information or argument which seems solid and credible, is found somewhere contradicted by another so-called expert. An example: you are presented with the argument that Islam is a religion and a violent ideology, that his holy book, the Koran, is full of suras (verses) that incite the murder of Jews and infidels, so all those who are not converted to Islam. Deepening my research I found that this thesis is extremely popular in Europe and the United States. I lost count of the sites maintained by people, Christian or secular, we have Europe as a continent overwhelmed by organized Islamist immigration, and runs straight into a civil disaster which can not be completed other than in a bloodbath.
Then, suddenly, I find myself on the site of a Tunisian Muslim engineer who responds to a critic of Islam, that his problem lies in the fact that he reads the Koran is the wrong version. He therefore suggested to obtain the version of the galaxy ?!??!!?? So off, according to the engineer, a Muslim and a French citizen for the past 20 years, decried the violent verses throughout the world simply do not exist in the Koran, the true, the good, the official ... But what could be simpler? My man, get yourself a copy of the correct version of the Koran, the worse your hives caused by calls to murder infidels will disappear in one gulp! And zang!
Do you see a bit where I try to come. So who is right? I wish I knew. There are, at present, one billion three hundred million Muslims around the world. By itself, the European continent by hosting a million each year, derived primarily from the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, etc.). Some argue that by 2015, some European countries will gather with 20% of Muslims in their population, 35% in 2035 to others. Mine nothing but the air of all, one in three that!?! Unlike the indigenous populations of the countries in which they immigrate, Muslims, themselves, breed ...
Defenders of Islam pretend that it just is not that religious and totalitarian ideology that reduces women to a mere breeding in the service of male almighty, divine instrument of God to convert the infidels. "The world would long ago with fire and blood if it were true!" claim in choral scholars Mohammedans. "Islam has understood that his most effective weapon to conquer the world, is no longer war with weapons, but immigration!" contend in any forum its harshest critics (talk to Marine Le Pen).
Now some facts that few people dare to challenge ...
1) They are not fundamentalist Christians who have balanced two airliners into the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.
2) Today, on this planet, there are no fundamentalist Christian groups who use violence to terrorize their opponents (Bush and Iraq do not count, of course!).
3) Those who dare to criticize Islam publicly or make humor on the backs of their prophet Muhammad, are certainly threatening to kill or assassinate (Theo Van Gogh, it tells you something?)
4) Every day in the media, the pope is criticized without any restraint, ridiculed, and often caricatured as a delayed intellectual, for his apparently retrograde positions on almost all aspects of morality. To my knowledge, neither he nor his followers have never threatened to kill anyone in retaliation.
5) A Muslim country prosperous, democratic, progressive and respectful of human rights, it is not simply nowhere in 2011 (a little interesting link http://www.josephfacal.org/un-vent freedom-of-/ # comments ). And do not tell me about the UAE or Saudi Arabia, they are rich to overflowing, but no respect for human rights (a woman did not even have the right to drive a car).
To conclude, little question: are there on earth, a powerful Muslim lobby, structured, which lists and publicly condemned, in a clear and systematic, a terrorist attack posed by so-called Muslim extremists? On a reputation comparable to Al Qaeda? If you know one, please, please let me know ...
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