like any "normal" there are often moments in our lives or we ask lots of questions like: * I
I chose my vocation very professional
* I have my ideal weight reaches
* may be that I should be more active, eat healthier
* I have a good choice of About Contact?? *
do I reconcile with itself and / or that person phenomenon of nature
do I reconcile with itself and / or that person
We often convince themselves that life will be even better after getting married (e), after having a baby, and then, after having had another ...
Later, you feel frustrated (e), because our children are not yet large enough and we think it will be better when they will be. We are then convinced that we will be happier when they will pass this step.
We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when things go better for our half, when we have a nicer car or bigger house, when we can go on vacation where you want, when we will have retired ...
The truth is that there is no better time to be happy that the present moment. If not now, when would he?
Life is always full of challenges to achieve and complete projects.
It is better to admit it and decide to be happy now there is still time.
For a long time, I think my life would finally begin, "True Life"!
But there was always an obstacle on the road, a problem to be resolved first, a project not completed, an error was corrected, a debt to pay ..... And then life would begin! ! ! !
Until I am aware that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me understand that there is not a path that leads to happiness. Happiness is the Road.
As happens every time we have and more: when we share this moment with those we care enough to share our special time and we remember that time does expect it.
So we have to stop to wait to complete his studies, to have a raise, get married, have children, or simply stop to wait for Friday / Saturday night, Sunday morning, spring , summer, autumn or winter, to decide that there is no better time than now to be happy.
It does not take much to be happy. It is rather we who complicate life for nothing.
You just need to appreciate every little moment and crowned as one of the best moments of his life.
In my case, my alter ego "Guerriere Mandingo" decided to take life as it presents itself to her, she will no longer try to fight with her, it's not worth the just because it says that our fate would trace even before our birth.
Source: My experiences and those of each other
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