or they are unbearable but it should do with it, as colleagues, collaborators, clients, or even as a boss. These calamities plague the itinerant life of the company.
Some are "very nice", others badly intentioned. They are pests, anxiety, bullets, paranoid, angry, talkative, divas, narcissistic, obsessive or other problematic individuals and share a huge difficulty to adapt to the workplace and the stresses of life in communities. They they generate by their behavior decreased performance and results.
it certainly has you also get the guy or girl who TAF makes life almost unbearable for your arrival, which means that you do not want to get out of bed in the morning, which means that you are briefing to return to work.
is happening in a way the majority of our time with them. We are stuck with them from 8 to 10 hours of time or even more so we're forced to endure all their foibles.
energumes Some of the job so you'll find all kinds
Who are they?
* Whoever prevents you from doing your job properly.
cellequi * The person rises in the morning with one goal => piss off as many colleagues at work (daily quota is reached).
* Whoever mounts colleagues against each other.
* He or she who transforms the workplace into a battlefield, conducive to conflict.
* Someone who sweats hypocrisy.
* Whoever is the pete at any moment and therefore feels better than others.
* The person who enlisted the boss to achieve his ends.
* the fake ass, you always had a smile when he or she hates you.
* Whoever ere at will in the corridors, offices and also in the break room for no apparent reason, just to throw you a hello is it going at work? Ok more.
* the insatiable ruminants 9h 5h, are those who eat at any turn. During the day, it starts with the sound of the mouth that you will type on the system and probably gonna go cakes, fruit candy, chips, cookies .... Hello and the smell of garbage under the table.
* The amateur singers or those responsible for noise pollution within the work are celuis or those who will sing all day long sifflotter any song they pass through the head just to break your eardrums.
* Cheaters / or its copiers / her are those who will bite you all your good ideas and present them to the big boss as if he or they were the authors, or you copy your style .
* tights, one who to tell you the simplest of words will touch you or nudge you or shoulder, or you will almost whispering in the ears just by habit.
When problematic personalities rampant, it manages only the present and spend his life arbitrate disputes or manage personal problems or relationship. No more good ideas, creativity! People divestment and do more than the minimum ... "The work environment becomes heavy, the atmosphere will degrade and decline in productivity.
The downward spiral is latched.
2nd part coming very soon.
Source: My experiences and those of Ones and Other, My Imagination
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