Saturday, May 16, 2009

3rd Birthday Tea Party Invatation

projection cube mapping experiment # 1

cube mapping experiment # 1 from Danny Perreault we Vimeo.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How To Make A Hippie Shoulder Bag

Cubes mapped!

This is an image of the patch that allows me to create "layers" to will and to go and ask the glove on the faces of the cubes.

I am inspired software Videoprojection 3.1 to make my version more flexible.

On the computer screen, it makes this:

In real life, it makes this:

The image you see now is cored the test pattern.
It now remains for me one day to make a video to play on my 21 faces mapped ...

Thanks a million times to my beautiful Marie-Chantale who helped me in constructing and installing the real cubes! Stay tuned for

content ....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Clots During Dicidual Bleeding

Conference with artist Kurt Hentschläger

Can Nipple Piercing Mess Up Milk Ducts

New Home! Chaos

I was very busy with my return trip, moving and organizing a conference. I have no internet at home yet. It feels good to disconnect from the Internet a little, when we go there a few hours a day, it is more efficient, we do not waste time wandering and procrastinate. It's real communication!

short my university projects have been stopped a lot during this time of transition. Now I am settled, I live alone in a small loft with a beautiful view over the east of Montreal. I feel good, disengaged in total, without a lease, without internet subscription without roommates. I feel more free, ready for further changes and stripped of old dusty relics. A large household. I needed that. I think this move is just the culmination of my time of great shift.

Today I try to put a little bath in my academic work. Here is where I am: my experiment will involve the screening of a fragmented picture of how to do more, to be deformed to be projected onto multiple surfaces primitive. And content? We'll see ...