Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Penis Girth Toilet Paper Roll Test

Why I wanted to kill everyone from time to time .

The Topo

Levee happiness yesterday, I submit my Gosset in the school, I had not already had a very good night insomnia when you hold me, I had desires of suicide, in short, I had to go to a government office in my town, so HereI 7h54mns, I had already arrived there was already a ton of the natural world was a Monday morning.

Because I was always under the influence of sleep, so I decide to stay in my box, because the doors were not open yet.

At 8:04 mins, I finally realized the opening time was not 8h30mns 8am on Mondays, already very nervous, I thought good only 26 mins is in. serious, and I was happy in my car, and more, instead of lined up outside the front door with the masses.

Throughout this time, I had not even realized that I park my credit rating was a troublemaker of the first class that no respect for people, we pierced the eardrums, because he had decided to the Bob Marley back in the car park.

Ok I totally understand the deep love that people feel towards the music, but we must not mess anyway, it is a Monday morning, blood p'taain good wood, what is even, frankly.

And while I was inside a mental mode rouspetage background, the guy began to sing at the head, imagine the scene, already I'm a huge fan of Bob Marley, he pushed a button little too far, I had one wish him a huge slap fouttre remote.

I was wondering if it can be sought any attention from anyone. You know the kind of person who would do anything to get noticed. Everyone was annoyed and AC could be a facial expressions of all those poor people affected by noise pollution .

As soon as the door opened was 8:30 am, everyone entered, they passed through the hall, and they set rank, first to sign the attendance sheet, then the oh, I thought I was in a dream, I was the last person before queuing, and PAF as if by magic, the asshole service began shamelessly in front of me, yes I do mean to me as if I was invisible, I thought I would die of excitement there.

The pellet that this individual had was out of this world, I understood nothing, I was amazed, why put before me, why not respect the tail, so why disrespect ...

Imagine a little while I mulled all these thoughts in my head, I stooped just 15 seconds to tie my shoelaces, I got up and before PAF I can not put a single word I'm not as calm as usual, I would say a real horny he had disappeared as if by magic, I thought maybe he felt he was going to pass a tobacco why he had broken as quickly as it had appeared before me.

Well NO,


And when I thought I had done with this phenomenon of nature, I realized in that instead of breaking it was simply skips all those poor people, at least a dozen before me and was about to sign that damn sheet.

Ok you explain to me how feasible such a cap, because I still can not understand. You may not know is how my hand itched.

I wanted to give him the part of all the masses: a donut hell.

I do not know what happened to that asshole then, but I hope only that he has been attacked with sticks, he has received from him Tciiiiiiiiiiipppppppppp pierce the eardrums and he had seen the sign on the attendance record of the dentist, I hope also that he had torn off all his teeth involuntarily.

That is one reason why I can go from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde in a second: THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE TO LIVE.

Why not respect the freedom of others by not imposing their selfish whims, irreverent, even offensive, if not insulting.

Why do people no longer have these 3 words today: The good manners, tact, respect ..., cements seems to me there, living together, they are hardly more practical now, we do gene is more, it provokes.

Finally good manners, good manners, politeness and good education for me to form a whole, I do not have the energy to try to separate the each other.
To all these people I say, respect for my own space and courteous behavior are a necessity, until YOUR BACK EXCITED because of the brain seem to exist everywhere, always ready to explode at any time nothing to do with me eh.

Source: My Experiences, My Imagination

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What Does The Tonsil Look Like

My unforgettable epic sporting a aprem '

Who has not wanted to try to see how much he could endure the pain, know how his stamina would. Everyone?

me anyway I'm sadistic towards my own person so.

Each person has his personal reasons for doing sport:

- if This is not to maintain his physique,
- it's for health reasons,
- or to simply feel good about yourself,
- ............. ....

So I wanted to make my last week in malignant wanting to push my endurance up to infinity, I usually sport one day on 2 or 3 you believe me really, what I called sport for me is walking accelerated in the football field in my neighborhood a few days a week when I can (considering my daily uncommon) and I set the target to walk around my neighborhood or should I say around the city (given the time it took me), just as ca history of the body through torture me happy, too sado girl you say.

So on a whim, I found myself in my room putting on my black leggings, my black T shirt, my Adidas and my green military cap. And since I had my Ipod accessories, water bottle and my cell phone. Like an automaton

I left the house and launched the man

- Me, sado craneuse: I'll do a good turn if I ever get over it before the time of descent of the small, you're going to look at school, ok!
- Man: Yes, and if you're tired, call me, I would come to take you on the road.
- Me, The craneuse sado: Ok, you can be sure that I will not call you, I intend to finish my career without anyone's help (I thought).

Here I am on the way, I started to walk away little by little from me, and plus it was hot as hell, at least 30 degrees style has the shadow. And already after 15 minutes of walking I was thinking back on my feet, but well Guerriere Mandingo good I am, of course not, I continued.

after I kept watching the clock on my phone, what the idiot, I realized that I had forgot my watch what happens very rarely, and only bottled water I had in hand was already a half, I started to panic because I realized very quickly that I underestimate this p'taain of course.

33mn after I passed not very far from an acquaintance of mine and I was almost tempted to stop, just to rest a few seconds, minutes instead, but my conscience Guerriere Mandingo did not allow me to play was the wimp so I continued my epic, the good you remember that I told you I had a green cap, well it was already drenched in half.

45 minutes after
Sweat dripped on my face has great flow, I even managed to have mist on my sunglasses, I took it off, I wiped them on my Tshirt and I transferred, I was telling myself how dumb I was not having think to take a small towel to wipe my at least, so like a slut, my T-shirt c immediately transforms it into cloth.

53mn after
I thought was the man who had promised to get to school early if he did not see me, so I decided to call it, and PAF, I realized that the cell phone was off, I immediately said, oh I had to press the turn off, not on purpose, well, no, I was so sweaty hand, that This dirt sweat was passed through the cell phone, so my battery was completely drenched in sweat, my SIM card was found in after the laptop screen when I tried to turn it on, panic moved very quickly what the galley.

after wiping my SIM and my phone battery as a patient with my black tshirt which was now completely drenched, my cell phone was operational again, so I passed my call and my man announced that he would seek Gosset:
- Man: What is he said you want me come get you.
Me: And I told him NO, dryly, then God knows that I would die of envy.
But hey it's okay I said to myself, I am a warrior Mandingo and I will stop at nothing, even if my feet are burning, my muscles imaginary tear.

1h10m after I did a quick retrospective of the current situation in my head, and lots of thoughts crossed my mind:
- But what took me to want me like that peter, I could just go to let off steam Football ground in my neighborhood instead of enduring all this.
- Why there are no pavements for pedestrians in my backwater, craignos, I found myself a walk on the lawn of the people for at least a quarter of the course.
- P'tain drive I put max 10mins to arrive, and why he does the same hot aujourdh'hui, queel stuuuuuuuuupppppppppiiiiiiiiiidee idea that I was eh, I'm p'taain FATIIIGUUUEEEE, I want to arrival at their destination as soon as possible I'm tired of walking mode rouspetage mental thoroughly.
- And how come I never noticed that there were so many ups and downs on c'te p'taain Road, SHIT.

1h29mns A walk
without messing the more I could really, I had a HORRIBLE migraine, I was struggling to climb the nth slope of my journey, I walked a 2 a time but real thing, I felt that the cars passing me throw glances of pity or questioners, the limit I felt there were some that me might well suggest I deposited where I went, so I did pity.

1h32mns A walk
OssCours I want to be in my bed.
The cell rang, I hesitated to take, so I had not got all day, but it was the Gossett, so I replied
- The Gossett: Mummy tell me, where you at I'm hungry, I want some sausage and I want to wear my dress Princess
Me, sado craneuse the edges of tears Ok I arrive very soon, I'm walking I'll be right, as soon as I make you j'arive your sausages. Well now I hang up the most votes.

1h25mns A walk
I was really a poor wreck about this moment my face and my swaying were hell, my feet burning, underneath my tempers, my clothes the same thing, I had a big head like a football, when was my glasses, my empty water bottle and my IPOD I almost want to throw down so much that I'm fed up to keep them in hand.

A 1h41mns
I was starting to see my neighborhood from a distance, the half smile on his lips, trying to hasten but not the impossible, I could not do it, yet seemed 5mns 1h more, I saw my home, finally, I arrived and I'm putting a ring at the door, of course it's the small who opened the door and at first glance his reaction was:
- The Gosset: What Happened Mummy, look at your clothes are all wet
- Me: Nothing . I have just one wish to sleep somewhere
- The Gossett: And my sausage?
- Me: Ok arrive.

Conclusion At the end I went I was on this account p'tain trooooooooop long journey, style 1H42MNS of SHIT.
Consequences: 500g and less, butt compote, feet and thighs burning (if it is said), mental trauma and so on.

Lesson Is what I'd do it again, uh for now I do not know, but since I know myself, I would say probably yes.

Playing sports, but moderately.

Source: My Imagination, My experiences

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sample Church Anniversary Programms

History Day

A couple decides to go on a romantic weekend and thus decided to stay at same hotel 20 years ago, during their honeymoon. But at the last moment due to a problem at work, the woman can not take her on Thursday night. It was therefore decided that the husband would take the plane on Thursday and his wife the next day.

Man arrives as expected and after renting a hotel room, he realizes that the room has a computer with Internet connection. He decides to send a letter to his wife, but by chance he is wrong address and then sends the email to another woman, the latter is a widow who has just returned from the funeral of her husband, who died of a heart attack and so she is receiving the email.

Widow consults his electronic mailbox to see if there are no messages from family or friends. Thus, in reading the first of them, she fainted.

Her son enters the room and is on the screen, it says the following message:

In my beloved wife,

I arrived. You'll definitely surprised to receive my news and now this way. Here they have computers and you can send messages to your loved ones .. I just arrived and I checked that everything was ready for your arrival tomorrow Friday. I look forward to seeing you again. I hope your trip goes as well as happened on mine.

Source: My Imagination, word of mouth

Friday, July 17, 2009

Is Pregnancy Discharge Like Ovulation Discharge


Who compares to console! I do not know who is saying this, but I've heard more than once in my adult life. Yesterday, while reading my newspaper, it has resonated in my head when I finished the article that dealt with the assassination of journalist Estemirova of Chechen origin. We found his lifeless body on Wednesday afternoon, two bullets in the head and once in the chest. Witnesses say she was abducted from her home in Grozny, capital of Chechnya forcibly pushed into a car in broad daylight by two individuals. Since the arrival of Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin, it is estimated that it would be the 20th journalist to be murdered. A common denominator for each of these killings: No criminal behind bars. Some were translated justice, of course, but no convictions. I repeat: 20 murders of journalists since 9 years under Putin, not guilty! If I were a Russian journalist, I risk my life just to remind you these sad facts. At the very least, I would certainly death threats or retaliation against my family.
Estemirova, 50, knew very well that his days were numbered. Like his colleague Anna Politkovskaya, murdered in Moscow in October 2006 - She was also a thorn in the Kremlin and its supporters. With a courage bordering on insanity, both denounced the corruption and cruelty, as the regime Putin than that of Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya's new president.
Yes, comparing our democracy to them in principle we should wrest a Thank God! Sincere and well experienced. Freedom of speech seems so gained, we all tend to be either abused or forgotten. I wish to state here that I'm also the attitude that I'm about to condemn. There is too much mouth to complain on a full stomach, or we keep silent when we should speak loud and clear (just as with the belly full notice). I know that life is difficult around the world. We all know we can have anything you want, say whatever we can think of in any situations, and still be the most miserable human beings on the planet. But despite the universality of suffering and of dubious effectiveness applied to compare, say anyway that we start with an edge. I think I'd rather be unhappy than unhappy and Canadian and Russian. In other words, what is our existence here, just one word: PRIVILEGE!
the Holy Spirit help us! Our life has no more value than their own, not least the eyes of the Father ...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is Hugh Jackman Attractive

The woman has only one default

The woman heals herself when she is sick and can work up to 18 hours a day without complaining.

The woman was created delicate but strong, she is able to obtain and sustain a lot.

The woman is able to discuss, think and execute.

The woman pours tears often is his way of expressing his joy, his sadness, disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief and her pride.

The woman has so much energy that AC sometimes surprised some people.

The woman can face any difficulty.

The woman keeps smiling when she would cry, cries when she's happy and laughs when she is nervous.

It fights for those in what she believes, is rebelling against injustice, does not accept a "no" for an answer when she knows there is a better solution.

The woman denies to please a family, she accompanies a frightened friend to the doctor.

The woman loves unconditionally.

The woman's heart breaks when a (e) friend (s) dies.

She suffers for the loss of someone very dear.

The woman is probably still strong, even when she thinks no longer have the courage and energy.

We know that simple kiss and hug a woman can heal a broken heart.



Dedication I dedicate these lyrics to all the women of the world, whatever your age, nationality and especially to all those who against all odds perseverent to love, dream and fight for a better world.

Source: The World of "internet, my observations, experiences of each other, My Imagination

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Where Are Genital Herpes Located

Good Read

yes I know some people m 'had already been missing but I am alive and well, I just needed a little break.

Today I share an email that was sent to me by an acquaintance I find ca that hilarious, but before looking at the pictures below, they are no comments:

How can you have windows open on one screen (the answer: above)

It's all I backup everything and anything on my screen.

Waaw for once Windows is Kek Thing.


A user demoralized wrote a letter to customer service.

Mr. responsible for the Technical Assistance

a year ago and a half I changed my version 7.0 of the Bride versionÉpouse 1.0 and I noticed that the program has launched an unexpected application called 1.0 baby takes a lot of space on my hard drive. In the leaflet, this application is not mentioned. In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launches automatically when I open any other application, parasitizing the execution thereof.

Applications such as 10.3 or beer among friends Sunday Football 5.0 do not work tonight. In addition, from time to time to launch a covert program (virus?) Called Mother-in which 1.0, or crashes the system, either because Wife 1.0 behaves completely unexpected. I can not uninstall this program and this is very irritating, especially when I try to run the application Câlin3.0 Sunday. It seems that some features have bugs, for example, the command C: \\ Petite_pipe_du_samedi.exe will not engage.

I plan to return to the program I had before, Fiancée 7.0, but the process of uninstalling Wife 1.0 seems very complicated and I do not measure although the risks this may entail for other applications such as Baby 1.0, which I admit is very friendly.

Can you help me?

Sign: A user demoralized.


Dear User:

Your complaint is very common among users, but it is due mostly to a design error Background: Many users move from any version of Bride X.0 to Épouse1.0 with the misconception that Wife 1.0 is a program of utilities and entertainment.

However, Wife 1.0 is much more than that: it is a complete operating system, created to monitor and manage all your applications. Same problem with Belle X.0 mother. These programs are for older generations, which are derived Wife X.0 and often cause compatibility problems. With any luck, they end up being the victim of a virus and disappear after several years.

Also avoid excessive use of ESCAPE or DELETE keys, because you will then use the command: C: \\ faire_des_excuses.exe / flowers / all so that the program works again normally. Wife 1.0 is a pretty interesting program, but can generate a high cost, if misused.

I advise you to install additional software to improve the profitability of Wife 1.0. as 5.0 Flowers, Jewelry 2.3, or stay at Club Med 1.2. You can also use Ouimonamour deTuasraisonmachérie 8.0 or 14.7. You can download on the Internet, their results are quite satisfactory.

ATTENTION: never install Secrétairenminijupe 3.3 or Petiteamie 1.1.Ces programs do not work in the universe to Wife 1.0 and could cause irreversible damage to the system.

For functionality, C: \\ Petite_pipe_du_samedi.exe not activated after the execution of other commands such as C: \\ Collier_en_diamant.exe OUC: \\ souper_au_resto.exe

Good luck.

I never read an email that made me laugh so much.

Source: The World of "internet

Best Travel Tripod 2010

fibs The DaVinci Code

I'm reading "The Lies of the Da Vinci Code" by Claude Houde. Yes I know I'm late, the book was released in 2006. Wow! Three years, how long unforgivable! I end this article and I run at me out the old whipping horse of my grandfather for MYSELF scourged without restraint. That's the penance.

In terms of my appreciation of the book (considering that I have still a few chapters before the end), I highly recommend it. Already in the early chapters, it is clear that the research is particularly rigorous. For those who have around them a pseudo-intellectual anti-Christian who has obviously never read more than three Bible verses, but you told him that it's "bullshit" the Christianity and bla bla bla and so on ... Take my advice! Instead of putting it back even more and eventually want to be anywhere other than in the same room as him, flatter him in the right direction of the hair and remember to remind him how you understand his position. Then, arrange for him pass you a copy of the book (or the following link, Free Online http://www.bdsr.org/ ) while not forgetting to indicate it contains scientific and historical data that an intellectual of his caliber could appreciate.

Here! Then let God do the rest of the book, the result does not belong to you anyway and it could be worse than all the conversations that made you sterile waste your valuable time ... Go! Happy reading and God enlighten you!

A Good Softball Quote

The king is dead

Michael Jackson has left us. Yes I know you all have more than enough of hearing about it and you're right. When we linger a little bit of the typhoon that has generated new (Farrah Fawcett poor), it could only be stunned by the passage of one or the other media which projectiles were coming from everywhere. For my part, as I work in a trade with from 9 am to 17 pm on commercial radio in the background, I am still struggling to recover hundreds of "Billy Jean" and "Beat It" who attacked me relentlessly for 5 days. And say that sales of his albums have jumped sharply, masochism and melancholia are made for "Laurel and Hardy".

The king is dead? Well, it depends on what angle we approach the situation. It was an "entertainer" extraordinary, absolutely. A fantastic dancer who dazzled us with its innovative technology and unbelievable (think Moonwalk), without a doubt. A great singer? I am less certain, depending on who is listening. As for my little person, I prefer more masculine voice and as Jackson was supposed to be a man, I know ... Precisely because of this whole obsession with identity I've always had a problem to recognize it as an artist with a capital A. A superstar, ok An artist truly devoted to his art despite his mental health problems? Try instead Dali.

Let me explain: I consider all this madness and extreme makeover of life surrounded by whimsical little boys in his Neverland ranch, eventually removing him from his true destiny art. In other words, the king missed the target. Rather than concentrating his efforts and his fortune to heal childhood wounds, it has unfortunately become entangled in a quagmire or muddy the game was already lost. Result, dollars and flew fine artistic credibility, however, immense.

The recovery attempt orchestrated by his family during the funeral ceremony, in my opinion has managed to convince a few naive. I'm pretty sure he was not a pedophile, for you help to understand, I suggest the following link: http://www.slate.fr/story/7249/michael-jackson-pedophile .

But for the rest, and especially the emphasis placed by the Rev. Al Sharpton on the work of "Pioneer Black" performed by Jackson on the planet, I am sorry, but here I pick up completely. Michael Jackson himself would have never approved of his lifetime that uses the term "black pioneer. I think it's clear, he refused to be black. As a total and absolute. If the adoption of three white children (we'll never know how he really got his children) and physical transformation and radical bizaroïde he needed not enough to convince you, nothing can.

That word to conclude: Sadness! What a sad end of life ... The ceremony watched by millions across the world ended with this sentence: "We pray in Jesus name you Father!" Yes, a name which I hope has been raised by Jackson himself before leaving, the name of the one and only King. The king is dead? Not at all ...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Where Can I Get A Off White Comic

Yet another reason to have a big head for good

African Vibes magazine has created a campaign known very CALLED " IWearAfrican " in order to promote African fashion.

This campaign represents mostly individual expression, style and contemporary cultural heritage of Africa.

It celebrates the beauty of Africa through fashion and also hopes to promote the charm and beauty of African fashion on contemporary social scenes around the world.

And every month extras are chosen to appear on the online magazine in order to represent their origins through clothing inspired patterns or tissues of African origin.

In sum, the whole spiel above was to tell you I have been chosen as one of the extras of the campaign "I Wear African" in this month of July and I'm Hyper, Super, Extra content ( Clickhere

This campaign has allowed me to demonstrate how I was proud of my heritage and my membership in the African continent.

If you want to know more about the magazine and the campaign click the ====>> AfricanVibes

Source: The World of Internet and My Imagination