Like most of my fellow citizens, the word pedophile gives me a start-heart. Just imagine a grown man who abuses a small or a small defenseless child or young person ... I'll spare you more. Still, I maintain that the average citizen understands the evil phenomenon of prejudice is the toughest on pedophiles. Mind you, I do not profess myself to be expert, but I know enough about sexual deviance in general to deliver a more nuanced view. Little warning before we go any further: my goal is not to make pedophilia acceptable or more sympathetic, no! For cons, I believe that the God I serve is prepared to forgive a pedophile just as a genocidal murderer and a dictator (as long as he repents of course!). So their plight deserves to be studied and understood, a matter of rising above the traditional and simplistic answer "We should all hang by the c. ... "Give that much when asked : What do you think of pedophiles?
In my humble opinion, pedophilia grows, more often than not. I do not think one is born a pedophile, I also believe that everyone carries within it the germ could may lead to pedophilia (I assume here that I'm not exactly being make friends). Well let me explain: Several studies show that a significant number of pedophiles have themselves been victims of pedophilia. Strangely, one could infer that we are dealing with a virus that spreads, although the process that brings an individual victim of pedophilia to transform itself into an active pedophile is extremely complex, we could, to oversimplify, use this picture for viruses.
Secondly, and more specifically in the case of pedophile priests, the scenario looks different. If, like me, you follow the news, you've probably noticed that the vast majority of sexual abuse lawsuit filed against various members of the clergy throughout the world are connected at a time both distant and near. With us in our beautiful province, many incidents seem to have took place between the 50s and early 70s. Of course, there were others later, but in a much less important. To understand the reason for the greater percentage of incidents between 1950 and 1970, he must first study the socio-historical context of the time.
In short, imagine a time when the Catholic Church reigned absolute authority on Quebec. More than political power, the Church was the blade that cuts any pear: economic, moral, social, cultural and so on. To make myself understood, and no disrespect to anyone, it was, for a huge portion of the populace, the 'business' most prestigious that one could dream of access. Its sphere of influence was particularly strong in everything related directly to the formation of our evolving society: the school among others. Who has not had a parent with a clergy member as a teacher? Many intellectuals and thinkers of high caliber were attracted to a position in the church, or even dreamed of one day seeing one of their sons or their daughters to be part and we would have thought like them at the same time.
So, contrary to what many believe, the church was a haven for perverts looking for easy prey. It is clear that yes, some were (sadistic perverts should I even say, talk to our First Nations friends!), But for many of these men attracted by the clergy, their predator s profile is developed en route. Recently, I listened to the interview with an American researcher who, over a long period, has accumulated a large number of interviews with clergy struggling with issues of sexual attraction to young boys. Surprisingly, These men were mostly not suffered sexual abuse when young. What they can say beyond a doubt by cons is that they still remember clearly have suffered some discomfort towards their own sexuality, a crash somehow. A deadlock as they concluded that religious life was for them the way any designated place (although many were not necessarily devout believers, believe it or not!). But they had one day to face the evidence that they were not as they thought to be asexual in the beginning.
For that day arrives, when a young boy crosses their path and there ... Bang! It was love at first sight! At first they try to convince themselves that it will pass, but ... Surprise! It does not pass absolutely not. It's actually the same type of lightning that a man can feel for a woman, so the boy takes up all their thoughts, they feel the need to protect, to be kind and caring towards her. They worry about his lower back and forth, they were very, very much want to be with him, to know it intimately, share intimacy. They feel guilty of course, but who can they confess such an attraction? It is 1950, just imagine. In 1950, we do not talk about these things, one is reduced to suppress them brutally. Not more books available on this kind of problem, and if such book exists, it is found as prohibited by the Church. In such an environment point of delivery for a being adrift, except from God, of course. But their relationship with God has little to do with a deep Consecration. Remember, they joined the ranks of the clergy for a reason other than to serve the Lord.
You see exactly where I am coming now. But another thing before we go look elsewhere: these drives have nothing to do with the imposition of celibacy by Rome. You see, hundreds of thousands of men have lived their priesthood without ever having to fight against the attraction of this kind. Some went to women, I agree, but many remained chaste without major battle throughout their religious life. The apostle Paul could not have been clearer on the subject of celibacy in his epistles. He was fully conscious by cons it was not appropriate to all men. Did he not write: "It is better to marry than to burn" (1 Cor 7, v8 and 9).
For almost conclude, a word or two about style pedophiles more current supplied by a source as destructive as fascinating, but unfortunately for everyone: the cyber space.
When I told you earlier that everyone carries within it the germ could may lead to pedophilia, it is precisely this comparison Internet I had in mind. Friends, you and me and one who can see everything, do you honestly believe that you would be strong enough to never get to enjoy, if you venture to see (oh, just a quick glance sûûûr well ...) sexually explicit images of boys or girls available on the net? Not on your life in your case, do you? Or is your privilege to believe. But know that there are still tons of serious studies that say just the opposite. And I do not speak of studies commissioned by prominent evangelical churches, no, no. Studies all that is more secular and led by eminent specialists, yes, yes. No religion in there, but good old secular straight pipe who claims that pornography is dangerous and that more and more men are left with a problem of pedophilia in strength to consume more and more porn " hard "and deviant. Good fathers who once shouted loudly they assassinate the first bastard who dares to touch their child, but never saw the oncoming train coming directly from their home. That tells you something that soccer coach high level has been convicted of multiple sexual assault, a good father, however, above all suspicion, impeccable reputation, a trusted man they said ...
Most of these studies suggest that men who come to watch the child porn on the net will not go all to act. Good news for our little ones should be protected by bodyguards 24 hours 24. But still, the game really worth the candle? When I say that we carry all the potential to derail badly and destroy lives because of our sinfulness, I try not be more enlightened than the cross on Mount Royal, the facts show and they make me more afraid that the idea of a cracked out for consideration to cut my throat.
He, at least, I perhaps the chance to see it coming.
He, at least, I perhaps the chance to see it coming.
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