One could easily infer that nothing could be added on forgiveness. If you knew ... if you knew what I could read everything that I taught for 12 years, all I could tell, everything I need humility and surrender to me even get to forgive the effort I need support to accept that another human can really forgive me, I have difficulty understanding what God's forgiveness means really. inexhaustible subject if there is one!
But despite all the emotional and intellectual complexity associated with it, I understand a little, just a little bit, because of the extreme importance that Jesus gives, I quote: " You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you. " (Matthew 5, 43, 44)
Imagine a world where there would be no forgiveness. It would be a horror that no one could describe, although sometimes .... But forgiveness remains fundamental for humanity in the sense that its power is the only one who can stop the downward spiral of violence between peoples and individuals. Without forgiveness, no speech can not calm the rage that burns in the heart of man, which ultimately leads to the settlement of accounts by the blood. Watch what happens to people who refuse to forgive each other, you'll see that I am not exaggerating.
We all need to learn to forgive and be quiet (me included). We all need to learn to give up the victory by the "last word", and move away in silence to pray rather than to flaunt our most implacable arguments.
I do not know if it's approaching fifty, but I'm seriously getting tired of my big mouth reflexes. Enough 's enough, really!
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