I laid this poem last summer. I had originally intended to make a song and I was quite advanced in music. Then one morning I realized I could not see myself singing this text as it ages. Too dark, too heavy. Fortunately, the ending is hopeful. God being present in my life, I allow myself not to include his light in everything I write, it would be dishonest of me part because no matter the race or the depth of the depression in which I find myself from time to time, His grace to me over and makes me want to continue. Nevertheless, allow me to introduce him here because I do not think so stripped of any interest despite its heaviness, include several ...
I want to be another
When I bend under the rancor
And the moonless night
Getting away from my due
I want to be another
When the enemy I torpedo
And that doubt as a gimlet pierces my heart morose
I want to be another
When fear paralyzes me
And his gall intoxicates me
At almost overdosed
I want to be another
When I hear you more
And these fallen beings pushes me to neurosis
I want to be another
When I seek your face
And that my soul crosses my rage
And that my soul crosses my rage
Who came back from his break
I want to be another
Although more law and less wandering
And never lose this time crumbles under necrosis
I want to be another
But I have a Father who always talks to me
Who covers me against my will to love
And leads me to the issue
Here or violence
Do find more remains
Neither the body nor in the heart
From our new alliance
Yes of free men
Who wanted as we dazzle
Although they had nothing to offer bigger than what we are ...
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