Thursday, October 7, 2010

How To Fake Kidney Stones

Playing God

On Monday, La Presse published the opinion letter from a young doctor, Antoine Boivin. Currently, he completed his Ph.D. in Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare in the Netherlands. After reading his text, my jaw did not want to hang up. First, our dear Antoine tells us that in the Netherlands, euthanasia is framed legally since 2002. The parameters of this law is listed under the Euthanasia Act friendly. While they are here in Quebec, begins a special commission to study the possibility of legalizing euthanasia (assisted suicide is also a very acceptable term), I thought it useful to share with you the results of study conducted by the Scientific Institute attended by our young doctor in the making. Hold on tight ...

So, since the adoption of this Euthanasia Act, euthanasia would be responsible for 2% of deaths in the Netherlands. Well, so far, nothing too alarming considering the legality of the thing. Before going further, let me enlighten you on the definition of euthanasia. In fact, it is important not to confuse euthanasia and refusal or discontinuation of treatment. Stopping a chemo treatment, disconnecting a respirator or palliative care to increasing doses of morphine, are in no way considered euthanasia, one can easily understand. But if the patient makes an explicit request to be medically attended to end his life on earth, there is! The physician has two choices before him: to accept or reject. If he refuses, the patient will have no choice but to continue his treatment, or simply to live with his condition in the hope that death comes the harvest without much delay. By cons, if the physician agrees to the request of the patient, it will probably (by injection) a strong dose of neuromuscular blocker, which will effectively paralyze breathing muscles and cause his death in the very short term.

Interesting statistic: the Netherlands, 38% of euthanasia requests are rejected by doctors, especially if the application is based on the loss of dignity. So here I happened to much more troubling statistics from this study: In 2005 alone, doctors participating in the study admitted to having killed more than 1,000 patients without their explicit request (see Consent) and without reporting their actions to the authorities empowered for that purpose . In the Euthanasia Act, it is nevertheless clearly stipulated that the consent of the patient, and a report to the authorities, must necessarily be part of the process. I think it's elementary logic, no? The study also tells us that euthanasia is performed on newborns, persons with mental disorders and elderly people suffering from cognitive problems. Year in, year out, 19% of euthanasia cases are resolved without the patient's request and, sometimes, without prior discussion with a family member or a fellow doctor.

And vlan! Who will now look into my eyes to convince me that we can frame with euthanasia laws, without it opens the door to abuse worthy of a death camp? I quote the author, word for word, to try to better yourself: "Despite its legalization in the Netherlands, 20% of cases of euthanasia are not reported by doctors (remember that c is who themselves confess), which prevents any form of external audit. We can not exclude the possibility that euthanasia was practiced among people who would have liked or would have changed his mind in the short term. " And re-wham!

I sincerely hope that this study should reflect our legislators and they realize what a monster they are dealing with here. And please, let me preserve the chorus to the fact that the Netherlands are generally more progressive or more decadent because they legalized prostitution and cannabis use before anyone else. Granted, they are ahead now, but my gut tells me that at the rate things are going, many Western companies will be equally decadent the Netherlands in the near future so, you can almost already breaking the teeth on it ...

we believe in or not, nobody can replace God. Neither an eminent surgeon, or even a dying man who has had enough. Some would tell me that I can not understand what it's like to suffer at the point of wanting to die, you'd be surprised ...


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