Monday, October 4, 2010

Thyroid Disorder Throat Trauma

Cheers retirement!

retirement. So an expression to multiple meanings. In our case here, the plan is actually the equivalent of half a weekend during which a group of men of Christian faith come together somewhere, preferably far from the city and its distractions. To do what? Relax, eat, play cards and talk hockey. Yes, absolutely! But the ultimate goal of this 24 hours "For Men Only" is actually much the opposite of rest for many of us at least.

course, if the speaker is kind of boring, or even if you are the perfect listener Teflon (we would speak to you on national television that it would suffice not to make you feel concerned), such a retreat will leave an imprint in your shallow existence. By cons, if like me you are anxious not to lose your life to watch the train pass, while around the world is heading straight toward a catastrophe of eternal consequences, and, in addition, the speaker is a skilled orator , experienced and anointed by the Holy Spirit (like Daniel Decary, Philipe Joret or Michel Martin), you come away transformed, believe me!

remains to be seen how far now. Of course, not all men are equal before the Lord. I mean all are at different stages in their spiritual growth. Fortunately, some of us reach a level I would call admirable. Far from perfect, however, their testimony is an inspiration for the quality of their commitment and perseverance to be transformed to the image of Our Lord. Others are perfectly sincere, but show larger gaps when faced with the ordeal. Very often, the intensity and quality of life of prayer are good signs of difficulty in their control or to stand before the temptation. In this regard, I know a bit. Having myself Part of the second group during the first 9 years of my Christian life, I could write a complete book and very entertaining on the agonies of Christians confused and inconsistent. Regarding the third group, I prefer not to dwell on their case. I think not having the authority to speak. I leave this exercise to men of the caliber of David Wilkerson, nothing underneath.

So during a retreat with Philipe Joret in June 2007, I received a "wake-up call" uncomfortably unsettling but oh so beneficial. I have already said, I do not know to this day if he realizes what the Spirit was doing with the words coming out of his mouth here this weekend. Damn! When he taught us the importance of discipline in the life of prayer, I felt alone in the room with Jesus himself who said, "Well then Michael, if you do not understand this that this type teaches you French, I can immediately bring to you here in the language of your choice, it's really any way you like! " No more nonsense in Quebec good! Phew!

Yes, without a shadow of a doubt, pensions have always been for me the turning points in my spiritual life. And the one I get is no exception to the rule. Dear friends, I do not give advice to those who do not ask me, but if I can humbly allow me: the next time your church will hold a retreat for men, try to see. I'm actually extremely poor position to look anyone up (and I have no desire, mind), but if after years of Christian life, yet you find yourself repeating yourself you'll never be able to change this or that your sad and redundant paths, a time apart, away from your shelter, might be much more beneficial than you imagine.

It's amazing what you can hear in our heart when the scene changes. Saturday night, leaving the place of retirement, I started thinking that if I could be a prophet in my own country, I could become cons for a better man if I ventured to listen outside my own house . Daniel thank you, thank you Philip, thank you Michael ...


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